Notice and Agreement on the Handling of Personal Information

Lawson Entertainment, Inc. (hereinafter the “Company”) hereby provides notification regarding the Company’s handling of Personal Information, utilization purpose, and other matters as follows.
Note that the following matters constitute the putting “into a state where a principal can easily know” in accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”(hereinafter referred to as the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”).
When a customer purchased a product from the Company or receives a service from the Company, said customer is deemed to have agreed to the following.

Article 1 Definitions

Unless otherwise noted, the following terms shall be defined as described below within this “Notice and Agreement on the Handling of Personal Information”.
(1) “Notice” refers to this “Notice and Agreement on the Handling of Personal Information”.
(2) The “Service” refers collectively to transactions to purchase products, the providing of services and the handling of inquiries between the Company and customers.
(3) “Personal Information” is synonymous with “Personal information” as defined in Article 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and refers to Information collected by the Company such as name, address, telephone number, and email address etc., which can identify a specific individual.
(4) “Personal Data” is Personal Information contained in a systematic database to facilitate the easy retrieval of Personal Information.
(5) “Retained Personal Data” the Personal Data of customers which the Company has the authority to “disclose”, “correct, add or delete the contents of”, “cease the utilization of”, “erase” and “cease the third-party provision of” in accordance with Articles 28 to 30 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Disclosure”). However, those excluded by Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Act of the Protection of Personal Information and those that will be deleted within 6 months are excluded.
(6) “Request for Disclosure” Refers to the request for Disclosure prescribed in Articles 32 and 33 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information concerning Retained Personal Data.

Article 2 Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company shall collect and record Personal Information (including the recording of inquiries made by telephone) for the purposes set out in Article 3 of this Notice.
Please note that customers that do not provide Personal Information or customers that provide false Personal Information may not be provided with all or part of the Service.

Article 3 Matters related to the Use of Personal Information

The Company shall use the Personal Information of customers for the following purposes. These utilization purposes are subject to change, and in the event of such a change, customers shall be notified or the change published, and the customer’s consent shall be obtained.
(1) Sale of music / video products, books, miscellaneous goods, etc., ticket sales or entry reception service, benefits, and various services associated with these (reception, payment, shipping or same-day exchange, related after-sales service, etc.) )
(2) Arrangement of travel services provided by transportation / accommodation institutions related to travel, procedures for receiving the services, and emergency contact in the event of illness or accident during travel.
(3) In addition to the previous item, provide personal information to transportation / accommodation institutions, etc. to the extent necessary for the implementation of the business and or services.
(4) Implementation of insurance company agency operations (contract conclusions for insurance products and services, contract management operations, and provision of incidental and related services).
* For the utilization purpose of Personal Information at insurance companies, please see the website of the insurance company below.
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
(5) When making payments by credit card or transfer in the Service, to exchange personal information with financial institutions in order to confirm the validity of credit cards and transfers, etc.This includes providing personal information to financial institutions, etc. or research companies for the purpose of detecting fraudulent use of credit cards, etc. in connection with payment settlements.
(6) Information and necessary contacts in relation with services associated with the preceding items (shipping of terms and contracts, product or performance or travel changes / cancellations / postponements / additional sales / next sales, etc.) via the web, e-mail, telephone, etc.)
(7) Customer identity verification when entering the venue (including identity verification when participating in online events), notification of performances, event cancellations, postponements, content changes, etc., and refunds associated with this.
(8) Information related to the Service, as well as information related to performances / events, performances / events, and entertainment / products / services provided by the performer’s agency or operating company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Entertainment Agency”). Information and other sales promotion activities for products and services of companies that we deem appropriate.
(9) The improvement of customer convenience and the implementation of various marketing activities (questionnaires and analysis etc.) for the purpose of providing, developing and operating marketing campaigns, gift campaigns and customer service etc.
(10) Creation or publication of summarized statistical data and marketing analysis based on this, where specific individuals cannot be identified, as reference for sales activities and the development of new services.
(11) To provide Personal Information to the Entertainment Agency for the purpose of carrying out the business of above items 7 to 10
(12) providing the Personal Information to the manager of the performance / event venue (including the online event distribution company. The same shall apply hereinafter) for the purpose of performing the business of above item. 7.
(13) Record of usage history of the Service for user support (responding to inquiries, etc.) related to the Service, and other various inquiries or confirmations
(14) Use and recording of access information (internet and mobile sites, telephone etc.) for system operation and management, and responding to inquiries.
(15) Other purposes specifically made clear to customers.

Article 4 Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

1. We may provide Personal Data to third parties such as business partners based on the followings.
(1) Provision to financial institutions, etc.and research companies
We will provide Personal Data to financial institutions, etc. in order to carry out the business of Article 3, Item 5. In addition, we may provide personal data to financial institutions, etc. or research companies for the purpose of detecting fraudulent use of credit cards, etc. in connection with the operations described in Article 3, Item 5.
(2) Provision to Entertainment Agency
In order for the box office organizer or venue manager to carry out the work of Article 3, items 7 to 10, we will provide Personal Data to the Entertainment Agency or venue manager.
(3) Provision to transportation / accommodation institutions or insurance companies
① Personal Data (name, gender, age, address, phone number or email address, passport information, boarding / boarding / boarding section, accommodation, special service information such as in-flight meals / wheelchairs, etc.) to transportation / accommodation institutions, insurance companies, etc. within the range required for procedures for arranging travel services and receiving services, or within the range required for procedures for travel insurance.
②For the convenience of customers’ shopping at travel destinations, we may provide Personal Data (name, passport information, flight number, etc.) to the souvenir shop.
2. In order to provide optimal services to its customers, the Company may subcontract certain activities to third parties (said third parties shall be referred to hereinafter as “subcontractors”), and may provide Personal Data to subcontractors within the scope of the purposes listed in Article 3. In such cases, in addition to requiring that the subcontractor not use said Personal Data for any other purpose than those stipulated, the Company shall require that the subcontractor manage the Personal Data with due care so as to not be leaked or provided without the consent of the customer to any other third party.
3. The Company may provide all or part of a customer’s Personal Data to a third party, without the customer’s consent, in any of the following circumstances.
(1) In accordance with laws and regulations
(2) When necessary to protect human life, body or property, and where obtaining the consent of the person is difficult
(3) When particularly necessary in order to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children
(4) When necessary to cooperate with national agencies, local governments or their designated agents in the exercise of activities established by laws and regulations, and where obtaining the consent of the individual may hinder said exercise of activities.

Article 5 Sharing of Personal Data

The Company shares Personal Data and other information related to Personal Data, as described below.

(1) Shared with LAWSON GROUP
①Utilization Purposes
Shipment of products and benefits, payment, related after-sales service, notification of products and services of “Group Companies” or affiliated companies of “Group Companies” specified in this issue ③, operation of campaigns and other customer services, marketing activities (investigation, analysis, etc.), improvement of customer convenience, and other purposes that meet or are closely related to each purpose.
②The minimum required range of product purchase history and service usage history (including Ponta member ID, number and Lawson WEB member ID number, e-mail address, product purchase history at the Company) related to each history
③The scope of a jointly utilizing person
The Company and the companies specified below are collectively referred to as the “Lawson Group,” and the companies belonging to the Lawson Group are referred to as “Group Companies.”
Lawson ,Inc
Lawson Bank Preparatory Service,Inc
Seijo Ishii ,Inc
United Cinemas ,Inc
Other consolidated companies and equity-method affiliates in Japan listed in Lawson’s securities reports, etc.
④Person responsible for controlling the jointly utilized Personal Data
Lawson ,Inc.
1-11-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director and President Sadanobu Takemasu

(2) Shared use with a consortium
1) Travel business
①Purposes of use
Sales and providing of travel tickets and other products and services, guidance on the use of travel tickets applied for purchase, shipping of products and travel booklets, related after-sale services, notice of products and services, administration of campaigns and other customer services, and/or marketing activities (surveys, analysis, etc.), improving customer’s convenience.
②Personal Data to be used and items of information associated with Personal Data
Membership number, name, telephone number, e-mail address, product purchase history, etc., the minimum required range,.
③Scope of a jointly utilizing person
④Person responsible for controlling the jointly utilized Personal Data
Lawson Entertainment, Inc.

2) Product sales business
①Utilization Purpose
For sales / provision / guidance of products / services, shipping of products sent directly from manufacturers, after-sales service, response to inquiries about products / services, marketing activities (survey / analysis, etc.), and improvement of customer convenience
②Personal Data to be used and items of information associated with Personal Data
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, order number, product order information, inquiries about products and services
③Scope of jointly utilizing person
Among manufacturers, importers, sellers, service providers, etc. of products sold by the Company, those who directly ship products, etc. to customers, or those who provide after-sales service, respond to inquiries, etc.
④Person responsible for controlling the jointly utilized Personal Data
Lawson Entertainment Inc.

(3) Shared use with our affiliated companies and the parent companies of the affiliated companies
①Utilization Purpose
Delivery, shipping, and settlement of tickets, products, benefits, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Ticket” in this issue) sold by Bugiugi Entertainment Co., Ltd., provision of related after-sales services, services, etc., and information related to transactions. Information on information related to entertainment, products, services, campaigns, etc. provided by the organizer, operator, performer office, sports club team, facility manager, etc. related to the Ticket, and other joint users Guidance of information on self- or third-party entertainment, products, services, campaigns, etc., campaigns, gift planning, operation, development, provision of customer services, etc., and various marketing activities carried out for these purposes
②Personal Data to be used and items of information associated with Personal Data
Member information identifier such as e-mail address, e-mail address, name, gender, date of birth, zip code, address, telephone number, fax number, usage history of services, usage / purchase history of transactions, etc.
③Scope of jointly utilizing person
Bugiugi Entertainment Co., Ltd., Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd., and Lawson Co., Ltd. (including subsidiaries and equity-method affiliates)
④Person responsible for controlling the jointly utilized Personal Data
Lawson Entertainment Inc.

Article 6 Disclaimer

The Company shall bear no responsibility for measures to control the security of customer Personal Information on the websites of third parties (excluding subcontractors) which customers move to when clicking on links from the Company’s website.

Article 7 Matters concerning procedures such as disclosure of Retained Personal Data

Request for Disclosure relating to Retained Personal Data shall be in accordance with the following procedures.

(1) Lawson WEB member customers
1) Reception method
Please contact the Lawson Group Personal Information Inquiry Desk (Tel: 0120-89-3963, Reception Hours: Mon-Sat 9: 00-17: 45).
2) Response
We will inform you at the reception.

(2) Customers other than Lawson WEB members
1) Reception method
①Requests for Disclosure will be accepted at the customer consultation desk listed at the end of this Notice.
②We will send a “Request for Disclosure of Personal Information” by mail or e-mail to the customer who requested it.
③Fill in the required items on the “Request for Disclosure of Personal Information, etc.” and attach the personal documents, agent confirmation documents, and other necessary documents to be included in the request for disclosure of personal information, etc. Please mail it to the consultation desk.
④In the case of requesting notification of purpose of use or Disclosure, the fee specified in item 3 of this article will be charged to the account designated by the Company.

2) Answer method
①Notification of purpose of use or request for disclosure: After confirming payment of the fee, we will reply by mail or e-mail.
②Request for suspension of use, etc .: When we make a decision of whether cease the utilization of Retained Personal Data after confirming whether it violates the provisions of Article 16 or 17 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, or not, we will reply to you by mail or email.
③Request for cease the third-party provision of: When we make a decision of whether the provision of Retained Personal Data to third parties shall be ceased. or not, after confirming that the provisions of Article 23, Paragraph 1 or Article 24 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information have been violated, we will reply by mail or e-mail.

3) Other
①Information subject to Requests for Disclosure; Retained Personal Data
②Fee for notification or disclosure of purpose of use; 1,650 yen (tax included) per request
③Storage of request form for Disclosure of Personal Information, etc .: The “request form for disclosure of personal information, etc.” and identity verification documents, etc. for which the response to the request for disclosure, etc. has been completed will be discarded within 6 months.
④Contact for complaints regarding the handling of Retained Personal Data: Please contact the customer service center listed at the end

Article 8 Language

In the event of any discrepancies or contradictions between the Japanese and English versions of this notice, the Japanese version shall take precedence.

Lawson Entertainment, Inc.
1-11-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Customer Service

Customers that have purchased tickets
Customers that have purchased products other than tickets
③Customers applying for travel products